Awareness and Expertise in all aspects of Dairying
- The Dairy Science Forum has launched its new website, which you are hopefully enjoying! Please be patient as we develop it further.
- In May we shall hold our 56th meeting at the SRUC Dairy Research Centre, Dumfries. Read more
- The Forum recently enjoyed an excellent visit to Tyers Hall Farm and Longley Farm in Yorkshire, courtesy of our Chairman, Jimmy Dickinson Read more
The Dairy Science Forum
The Dairy Science Forum is a long-established, ad hoc group of individuals, each well recognised and specialised in a particular segment of the dairy industry. Membership is limited and by invitation to ensure representation at an appropriate level across the breadth of the industry. The objectives of the Forum include:
- understanding and disseminating the contribution of research, development and extension to dairy science and practice
- defining future areas of activity that may enhance efficient productivity and improve the well-being of the cow to fortify a viable dairy industry
Who are we?
Our membership currently stands at just over 40 industry experts, and you can meet us at The Forum
What do we do?
We meet twice a year, tending to alternate between a visit to a dairy research establishment or a farm, processing facility or other dairy industry venue. We benefit as individuals by networking, expanding our knowledge and keeping it up to date. This allows us to pass on the most relevant and current information to the broader dairy community and public.
Why engage with us?
Between us, our Forum members have specialist skills and expertises, giving us the ability to comment and, if required, advise on all aspects of dairy production and milk utilisation