Professor Jude CapperJude L. Capper, PhD DSc (h.c.) ARAgS FRASE has two main roles: she is the ABP Chair and Professor of Sustainable Beef and Sheep systems at Harper Adams University (HAU) in Shropshire, UK; and is an independent Livestock Sustainability Consultant. Jude's research focuses on modeling the sustainability of livestock production systems, specifically dairy, beef and sheep. She is currently working on projects relating to on-farm greenhouse gas emissions from UK beef and sheep production; the sustainability of smallholder farming; and the impacts of livestock health on system sustainability. Jude is a liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Butchers and Treasurer of the National Beef Association. She is also Chair of the Route Panel for Agriculture, Environment and Animal Care and past Vice-Chair of the Green Apprenticeships Advisory Panel at the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education. Jude has an active social media presence and spends a considerable amount of time de-bunking some of the more commonly-heard myths relating to livestock production